Addiction & Recovery Blog


7 Ways to Have Summer Fun Without Using

Most people who have never used or experimented with drugs or heavy alcohol use would probably laugh at the idea of not knowing how to have fun, but for a recovering addict, that question is normal and natural. Drugs, including prescription medicine, change the way you think and behave, because they stimulate your brain,

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How Exercise Helps You Stay Sober

Recovering from an addiction to alcohol can be demanding and difficult, especially as you work your way back into your life and career. However, as you do, there are plenty of supports and tools you can use to help. Exercise is one of those tools because it helps you to fight cravings and offers

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How Childhood Trauma Creates Adult Addicts

Addiction is extremely prevalent in the United States, affecting as many as 23.5 million Americans. These addictions are often stigmatized by society and shown as a dangerous habit of the weak-minded and the criminal. Despite this stigmatization, addiction is often significantly more complex than the media depiction, and its deep connection with trauma and abuse

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Relapse Warning Signs

I relapsed again. I felt like crap and was afraid my husband would run out of patience and leave me. He can’t understand why I don’t just tell him when something triggers it, but it’s just not that simple. Any event, stressful interaction, or relationship difficulty can trigger a relapse. Since they are often

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5 Questions for Finding the Right Recovery Coach

Even though I had been sober for a significant period of time, I was still struggling. In fact, it seemed the longer I remained sober, the harder it was getting to continue to do so. Every day while travelling to work, I passed by my favorite bar, and my old stoner buddies kept calling

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7 Symptoms of Codependency

Codependence is a dysfunctional relationship in which one person is unhealthily reliant on caring for someone else – pushing them to enable that person in drug or alcohol use. While almost no one plans to be codependent, it works much like an addiction in that it slowly builds up until a small thing becomes

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What is SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery or Self-Management and Recovery Training is a not for profit, free self-help group designed to help individuals recover from any addiction. SMART Recovery directly contrasts 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous in that it promotes personal decisions and freedom, allowing each member to choose their own path and their own motivations to get

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Different Types of Addictive Behaviors

When speaking about addiction, drugs and alcohol usually accompanies the discussion. But, are drugs and alcohol the only substances that can be addicting? Are there other substances not categorized as drugs and alcohol that can be addicting? Also, can certain behaviors be addicting as well? Here is a top list of the

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Alternative Recovery Therapies

Traditional drug treatment programs have been successful with a large majority of drug addicts. However, some of them fail to respond to treatment or find themselves relapsing back into their old patterns. Several new programs have been developed to address specific aspects of treatment or to provide an entire new method of dealing with

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