Orange County Addiction Treatment Aftercare Program
What is Addiction Treatment Aftercare
Completing drug or alcohol rehab is a major accomplishment, but there’s still more work to do. During the weeks, months and even years after completing rehab, individuals in recovery are still at risk for relapse. The Beginnings Treatment Centers Aftercare Programs help to greatly minimize that risk, and keep our clients on the path of a clean and sober life.
The quality of the aftercare a person receives has a dramatic effect on the chances of remaining sober after treatment is finished.
A plan for aftercare should be built into any comprehensive treatment program. With the right kind of professional assistance, peer connections, and therapeutic support, our clients can maintain their gift of recovery on a continuous basis.

One of the great joys of a life in recovery is a sense of community, of a strong connection to a larger social group that supports and deepens the experience of a clean and sober life. One of the gifts of recovery is the opportunity to give back, to share one’s own story with someone who is just beginning their own journey of recovery.
Beginnings utilizes the latest and most effective technology to help provide and maintain a continuing support system for clients across the nation and around the world. Our clients remain an active member of our family, the Beginnings Treatment Centers Community, through the use of Live Media Streaming Hub and world class teleconferencing capacity.